Time To Head Home

After a thoroughly enjoyable couple of weeks that started with me not having a clue on where we were going, it’s time to make our journey home.

We had an early start as we were faced with a four hour car journey to get to the airport. The only good thing about this is that we got to see lots of the island. We took a different route to the one that had taken us from Ubud to the north as the journey over the mountains would have taken longer so we went east and then south.
The journey to the airport took about 4 hours and some of it was slow going as we climbed some of the hillier parts of the country. As we neared Denpasar the weather turned and started raining. We’d had decent weather for the whole of our stay, this was only the second bit of rain we had, the first being on our way to Tejakula in the mountains.

We’re now waiting at the airport to board our flight to Kuala Lumpur where we have to change for the flight back to London. It’s going to be a long journey!

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